Check out this lecture that AIGA is giving at the Midtown Starbucks on Tuesday. It sounds like it should be really interesting.

Tuesday, April 21st at 6:30pm
Midtown Starbucks on Monroe
(In front of Trader Joe's in the Midtown Promenade)
Religion has been a part of people's lives for thousands of years. So has design. We see design playing a central role in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics portraying man's connection with the gods and the afterlife. And when Gutenberg invented the printing press, it was the Bible that he is remembered for printing after all. Nowadays, what does the relationship between design and religion look like? Has it been forgotten or is it flourishing?
This rarely talked about topic has a great affect on both the Design and Religious community. So why does there seem to be such a significant disconnect? Often, the award-winning projects that you find in design annual publications do not include work created for the non-profit, religious community. Why? Is it not important enough to be considered or does it simply not exist? Is design seen as an integral part of communicating with parishioners, members, worshippers, and the community at large about religion?
If you're interested in these ideas or itching to share your theories, join us as we discuss our frustrations with, success in and suggestions for integrating Design and Religion.
Please feel free to bring any relevant material to share.
Registration is now open!
Event Planner: Vincent Scatlife,
Sucks that I won't be able to attend, seeing I have class at that time (GRD 3200 - Stan's class). Hopefully those who do go, that it will be interesting. :)
I would love to see this, but I will not be in Atlanta that day. Maybe if you go, you can tell me some about it on Wednesday. If they have a brochure or flyer, please pick one up for me. :) Thanks for sharing!
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